Did you know I have an exhibition coming up?!


Autumn is here!!!

Autumn is seriously my favourite month. The mosquitoes and wasps return to hell (who is with me here!?), the spooky Hallowe’en spirit comes out to play, and then a huge holiday season is just around the corner!

This year, it’s so much more than that. SEE BELOW FOR WHY I’M DYING OF EXCITEMENT.

That’s right! I have a SOLO EXHIBITION coming up.

Rather than wait for people to open the door and invite me in to hold a solo exhibition, I created my own space. Because life’s too short to wait for gatekeepers’ approval, am I right?!

November 4th, 2022. That’s next Friday. Opening/Reception is from 6pm-9pm. Be there or make me sad. Ha!

I do have a favour to ask of y’all,
because you’re such an amazing
and supportive group of people who come back
to see my work time and time again —

As it turns out, curating your own show is incredibly expensive. There are cost factors associated with this exhibition that I did not think to consider because I’ve never done something like this before, and have at this point well exceeded $1500 between the venue rental, special event license, printing costs, framing costs, and so many other nit-picky details that added up really, really, REALLY quickly.

Ideally I would LOVE for you to 1) book tickets for and attend the show, and 2) purchase some awesome (if I do say so myself!!) wall art! That said, if you still want to support me but you can’t attend the opening, or if purchasing wall art isn’t in your budget right now, making a donation and/or subscribing as a monthly patron makes a significant difference to offsetting these kinds of costs and allowing me to do things like put on solo exhibits and publish books that I can share with you!

If money is not a thing for you currently and you live local-ish, consider helping me with marketing! When I am not photographing I work a full-time job at a non-profit agency in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside, which means my ability to do things like put up posters and share postcards is severely limited due to my long commute to and from my day job (~3hr/day). I am happy to supply everything you need, from the posters to bottomless packing tape.

If the above options are not a possibility, please simply share the word about the exhibition! Announcements are already live on my Instagram and Facebook pages. If you don’t already follow me on social media, please 1) follow these pages; and 2) share any of the posts I share about the show!

Spreading the news about this exhibition means more people might show up, and that would be absolutely delightful <3

I hope to see you next Friday evening!!!!

Around the Corner — Eastside Culture Crawl!!

From November 17th-20th, I will be participating in the 26th Annual Eastside Culture Crawl! These dates land on Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday.

Be prepared to see a plethora of different images! I will not be recycling images from the exhibition if I can help it. I also plan on having themed spaces (as able) across my studio, including an area for my landscapes, portraits, and of course, my ongoing work in mental illness awareness.

If you are interested in attending and having a studio viewing, please book your time using the scheduling form below!
Note: Make sure you confirm the time zone and select Set time zone to get to the available dates & times!


I will be scheduling viewings in 30-minute intervals with a maximum of 4 people at a time for the entirety of Culture Crawl for
a) safety - because COVID is not over; and
b) so you have my undivided attention while you are there!

I will have beverages and small snacks available. There will also be pricing guides available for your convenience for you to place your orders for some of the incredible art you will find in various areas of the studio and hallways.

Here are the scheduled times that Culture Crawl is on for:

Thursday, November 17th: 5:00pm-10:00pm
Friday, November 18th:
Saturday, November 19th:
Sunday, November 20th:

Please don’t think that you are only welcome during these times — you can come any time you like! I will be at my studio starting Friday, November 18th at 5:00pm and intend to be at the studio for the entire weekend. Thursday is the only day where we realistically have to stick to the showing times, because I work at my day job on Friday morning :)

Two New Things!!

(1) I’ve begun making monthly Spotify mixtapes!

This will be for our patrons who subscribe to any tier after this month, but I thought you would like something for your ears to chew on for the month of November. This playlist will be officially “fully curated” by Monday, October 31st — i.e., I’m still adding stuff to it! Hold off if you can until November 1st but if you find you just can’t, go for it, and enjoy!

(2) I was published again!

I was published for the second time over the summer in Bare Bones Boudoir Magazine, which is a US-based company that mostly works online and prints physical copies on an on-demand basis. You can find my work in Issue 54, as seen in the spread below!

Thank you so much for supporting my dream! I look forward to seeing you next Friday, November 4th!


Idle Sundays


I will photograph Star Wars weddings any day, forever.