Summer Updates

It has certainly been some time since I have written here! As well-intended as I mean to be around this blog, I really do struggle to keep up with it. If it’s not one thing, it’s another - you know what I mean?

Heads up that this blog is going to be word-heavy because I haven’t made much new art lately - but that is about to change. You’ll soon see why by checking out the content below!

2023 is shaping up to be one of the roughest years I have ever experienced.

Since my last blog post in March, life has taken a turn for the interesting and (probably) slightly concerning - heh!

In April I had a mental health break at my day job and wound up certified (hospitalized) under the Mental Health Act. It was… not a positive experience. I am back home and I am on some new medication that is taking the edge off a bit, but it’s been a huge adjustment.

I wasn’t planning on discussing this with anyone at all, but as someone who lives with a plethora of mental health diagnoses (in addition to 2+ cognitive disabilities), I don’t want to be the person perpetuating silence about this area of my health. If we as a society want to normalize mental health and make mental health care more accessible to us all, we need to start talking about how our conditions impact our lives. Loudly, and unafraid. Or maybe a little bit afraid. I don’t know. I’m just tired, and I am a sucker for the oversharing, so, here we are. :)

In addition to that, my day job has had a change in leadership, which unfortunately is proving to be challenging for me. I won’t get into details about it, but as of last Thursday at 8:00pm, I went on a leave of absence from my paying job due to acute stress and mental health reasons. I am likely going to be away from work for at least the next two months, so I now have come into some unexpected leisure time.
The answer to the question you may be thinking is, no. I’m not getting paid. But I’m working on a doctor’s note so that I can at least continue to survive via medical EI. During this transition, if you are interested and able to help me remain financially afloat, please consider becoming an art patron, making a donation, or simply subscribing to my mailing list. You can find the sign-up page at the bottom of any CHC webpage.

My goal for now is to focus on improving my mental health and to find joy again. Part of this journey is going to be finally undertaking my mental illness photo project which I have been planning for the better part of 3 years now. I’ve dropped the Project FAQ in the bottom of this post for your reference, and will add it to site navigation once I have more bandwidth.

In addition, I had to make the absolutely devastating decision to close the doors to the Carrie Hill Creative studio. I have set up a small office space in my home. Carrie Hill Creative continues to exist but all photography sessions will now be on location instead of having the option of studio space. The studio closed its doors for good on May 31st.

While it still hurts to think about, it was the right decision. I know I will have a studio space again, but for now I can save myself a second rent and simply carry out my administrative tasks and photo editing at home.

So as you can see, April until now has had a lot going on. If you see me complaining about being utterly exhausted, please refer back to this blog post. Lol.

I wish I could tell you that I’ve had amazing news, but there hasn’t been much. The one big positive that I can share is that I was accepted to the Canadian Association of Journalists’ 2023 mentorship cohort, so that I can improve things like pitching ideas, working with editors, and overall improving my professional journalism writing style. It has been a good experience so far. I have been meticulously noting virtually every word said at every meeting. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in and I can make a small how-to something-or-other based on what I learn.

Anyway, that’s enough for now. Please enjoy my project FAQ’s for the for-now-untitled, upcoming Mental Illness Awareness Project!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is this mental illness photo project?

It’s a photography-based creative project designed to smash the preconceptions, assumptions, and prejudices that stigmatize mental health through portraiture and storytelling. Shot entirely on film, we will talk about life day to day as someone navigating mental illness, which will be recorded and stored securely - and we will photograph you in whatever condition you would like to share. Whether you are naked on the couch having a “hideaway” or a “no spoons” day, or having a picnic in the park, you control the setting and the content shared.

I plan to photograph each participant on 1 roll of black-and-white film, and one roll of colour film. I will develop and process all the film myself, and these images will be digitized in high-resolution and shared on my website, social media, and various portfolios pages that I maintain.

Let’s talk about what it’s like to live with mental illness, and let’s make sure the world hears it.

What will you be doing with the photos and recordings?

Photos are going to be compiled for articles to feature in pitches, publications, and exhibition calls, and quotes directly from you will be put together alongside photos for a future zine and/or book project. The aim is to provide a realistic visual of mental illness - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

What control do I have over the images and recordings you take of me?
More than you would expect, actually! That said, communication is key to ensure everyone is happy with the outcome of this project. You will see your images ahead of time, and you can receive a copy of your recordings upon written request.

You can also decide which images and quotes you favour/prefer. From your selection, I will choose what images ultimately go into the book based on that input. In addition, you can let me know during our session together or afterwards if there is anything you would rather not share, or if there is something you decided you would like to share after all.

That all said, this control ends once the final project layout(s) is/are determined, and submissions are sent off. All project participants will be notified in writing, and in advance, about any upcoming deadline(s) to review their images and recordings.

I changed my mind! Can I withdraw from the project?
You have the right to withdraw from participating at any time without question. Your privacy will be respected, so no names will be revealed.

How will my recordings be kept safe?
I am the only person with access to the recordings. All recordings will be made using an iPhone, and I alone have the passcode to this file. In addition, backups will be stored using Google Drive, which is password secured and backed up with 2-factor authentication that goes exclusively to my personal phone.

Can I remain anonymous?

Yes and no. Your face will be visible, so in terms of visuals you will not be anonymous. However, what you tell me will be! Any quotes used during our discussions of living and/or existing as a person with mental illness will be mixed and matched with other project participants’ portraits in the layout phase of any final product(s), so no person seeing your portrait or accompanying words (if any) will know for sure who said what.

There is no funding for this project so unfortunately I cannot pay for your time, but what I do promise is free, professional prints of your favourite 2x images from the photo session, and stellar company with someone with first-hand experience and a decent sense of humour.

How much time can I expect this to take?
I request a minimum of 1 hour. It is going to take you a little bit of time to get used to being in front of a camera, and we want you comfortable and ready to share!

Can I request a consultation?
Of COURSE! That’s actually the first step of the project - so thank you for asking! You can access our consultation booking page here.

I am interested! How do I sign up?

Use this link and let me know what date works best for your consultation! Once we have a chance to chat and get to know each other, we can schedule you for your session date.

At this time I am restricted to the greater Vancouver area. If you are located outside the greater Vancouver area and want to get involved with this project, please contact me directly and we will see what magic we can make happen!


Guess who will be at Edmonton Pride this year?!


Today is the International Transgender Day of Visibility.