Happy 2022 & Spring Availability

A Joyful and Prosperous 2022 to Everyone!


Photo credit: cottonbro, courtesy of Pexels.com


I hope everyone is well and safe and staying warm in this BRISK weather (at least, it’s brisk in Vancouver!). The weather would be tolerable here if it wasn’t for that damn WIND! UGH. The combined wind and copious amounts of snow (for here) have certainly made for an interesting couple of weeks, that’s for sure!


Heads-up: Temporary Studio Closure

I am undergoing a medical procedure in early February and on account of that, the Carrie Hill Creative studio will be closed during the month of February while I recover. Re-opening (subject to my overall recovery time) will be Monday, March 7th, 2022.

Don’t worry — the closure is not forever! I’ll be back in top shape in no time. In the meantime, please feel free to keep reaching out! I will answer your queries up until my surgery date, and as soon as I am able post-procedure.


Image Description: Carrie Hill Creative studio layout, including available space, doorway, measurements, and overall size.

Announcement: New Services Offered!

Short-term Studio Rental

I am officially offering hourly and day rates for renting out the Carrie Hill Creative studio on a discretionary basis to community members for artistic/creative purposes. If you’re looking for a quiet, warm space to do holistic art therapy, beading, chainmaille work, creative education, or other such delights, we would love to have you! There will be a webpage up shortly under Services that will provide a full outline, studio layout (as seen to the right), and FAQ.

The Carrie Hill Creative studio (348 sq. ft.) is located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, British Columbia at 312 Main Street, on the corner of Main and E Cordova Street. Entrance to the building is on the south side of Cordova, and is labeled 312 Accessible Entrance. We are accessible by Skytrain (10 minute northbound walk from Main Street-Science World station), bus (#3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 16, 20, 211, R5, and more), and by Canada Line (15 min. eastbound walk from Waterfront Station). Pay parking is available throughout the area via parkades and metered street parking. Parking costs are not included in our rental fees.

The hourly and day rates are as follows (in Canadian dollars):

Hourly - $80 (minimum booking of 1 hour)
(prepaid only, invoiced via Stripe)

Day - $120
(half required as a retainer to secure your reserved date and time, invoiced via Stripe)

We strictly adhere to COVID-19 protocols at Carrie Hill Creative and require that all visitors are double vaccinated. Renters’ vaccination certificate(s) and a photo ID confirming your identity is required in advance to rent our studio, along with a comprehensive guest list. All guests must present their vaccination certificate and matching photo ID to 312 Main Staff on the event day.

Please take a look at our studio protocols and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions at all! We want you to remain safe and to have the best experience possible while you are with us. By choosing to rent the Carrie Hill Creative studio, you are provided your ongoing, informed, and explicit consent to our Terms & Conditions, our Policies, and our COVID-19 Protocols. You also agree to leave the Carrie Hill Creative studio in the same condition it was in when you arrived. Cleaning supplies are provided for your use.


Photo Re-touching, Scanning, and Limited Restoration

We are expanding our services to include photo re-touching, digital scanning, and/or limited restoration! This includes photographers needing to outsource their workload; individuals wanting to re-touch, resize, or restore their images. All of our re-touching and restoration work is done using a blend of Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, and Capture One software.

My style of photo retouching keeps true to colour, with bright saturation and solid contrast. Please feel free to reach out and inquire about samples!

Image description: “Before” image. Faded, stained, damaged scanned black-and-white print of a little girl on a boat. Girl is laughing while bent over with her hands between her knees.

Image Description: “After” image. Fully restored photo of the left-hand image. All stains, colour shifts, and damage to the print have been removed.

We use an Epson Perfection v850 flatbed scanner for all of our digitizing. We are able to scan 35mm, medium format, and slides at a variety of resolutions up to 4800 dpi.

If you are seeking someone to assist you with your workload, to preserve precious images, or to scan your negatives to prevent further damage, look no further! I’ve got you. :)

Quotes provided upon request.


Upcoming Photography Project

With my surgery coming up, I thought it would be a good idea to get back into self-portraiture! I am going to be documenting my surgery both before and after the surgery takes place.

Breast reduction surgery and/or mastectomies (AKA top surgery) can often be a procedure where women in particular question what becomes of their femininity. As a trans non-binary person, my experience is quite different, as I have very little emotional or psychological attachment to my chest. My project seeks to explore the journey of gender affirmation and the shift in my quality of life by significantly reducing what has been a definitive and significant part of my physical form, and a primary target of objectification and fetishization by teenage boys and adult men since I was around 13 years old.

Time shall tell how it turns out, but I hope you will join me! I will ultimately be turning this project into a zine or a small chapbook once I am more fully recovered, available exclusively to my patrons and donors.

I hope you will join me for the journey!


Spring Availability

As always with pandemic procedures, all appointments, consultations, photography sessions, and rentals are by appointment only.

During the spring months, I will be unavailable in Vancouver from May 2-8, as I will be in Ontario photographing a farmhouse wedding! How CUTE is that!? And on Star Wars Day, of all days!

That said, if you’re in the Toronto area and you’ve been lurking, why not reach out and schedule a session with me? I will be in the GTA on May 6th and 7th and would absolutely love to work your dream session out with you. I’m especially looking for boudoir-inclined queer couples and individuals, because that is seriously my absolute favourite thing in the WORLD to photograph. Drop me a line and let me know what you need and we’ll make it happen!


Thank you, everyone! I look forward to hearing from you.


Rediscovering simple pleasures


Happy Holidays from Carrie Hill Creative!